This is one of many options we have for your birthday pictures at U-Snap Studios. Take a few pictures while your little one is clean and tidy, and then transition into a baseball-themed cake smash. Or ditch the 1 and…
Cake smash! If Izzy can do it, you can do it, too!
Izzy turned one and she celebrated with a cake smash at U-Snap Studios. As you can see by the dress and the cake, she enjoyed her time with us. Whether you are one, 21, 101 or anything between, you…
Tara did a great job taking pictures of her two little girls
Rent studio space at U-Snap Studios and use your own camera or camera phone to take pictures of the people, pets, and things that you love. It’s easy, it’s fun, and EVERY picture you take is yours to keep, copy,…
Calling all fairies and fishermen! Our little pond is up and ready for you for a limited time this summer!
We have lace rompers like the one Harlowe is wearing below, we have fairy costumes with wings, and a little fishing dock and fishing pole for your fisherman. YOU pick the studio, YOU pick the props, and YOU…
Happy half-birthday to Archer! You won’t believe the expression his mom caught in her pictures
A 15-minute photo session is a great way to celebrate a half-year birthday. Jana brought sweet little Archer for a little half-birthday celebration and a 15-minute session at the studio for his special day. At only six months old he…
Two new backdrop options are available for you at U-Snap Studios
We’re always making changes to keep things fresh at U-Snap Studios, and we are pleased to offer two new backdrop options for our clients. Drop by the studio at 395 Park Street, Regina to check them out in person. We’d be…
A couple more options for your Spring photos
Sessions start at just $25 (plus taxes) for 15 minutes in the studio of your choice with the group you bring to U-Snap Studios. We have great options for large and small groups, families and corporate events, and your products…
Our Easter props are ready for your Spring and Easter pictures in the studio!
How will you set up your pictures? Easter eggs in the wagon? A carrot banner on the little booth? A new spring outfit on the little bench, tree stump, or our mushroom stool? At U-Snap Studios YOU pick the studio,…
Happy Valentines’ Day! Drop by for your Valentine’s pictures today before 6:00 p.m.
Drop by and take pictures with your sweetheart and our Valentine’s Day props and backdrops before we tuck them away for another year! YOU pick the studio, YOU pick the props, YOU take the pictures! It’s easy, it’s fun, and…
The staff was having fun with some Valentine’s props
YOU pick the studio, YOU pick the props, YOU take the pictures with your own camera or camera phone. It’s easy, it’s fun, and EVERY picture you take is yours to keep, copy, share and print. Photographers and photography…